57 Deer Resistant Selections
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Eastern Red Cedar
Juniperus virginiana
Category: Evergreen / Coniferous Trees
Height: 45'
Width: 15'-20'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Types: sand, silty clay, rocky
Fruit Color: blue
Fruit Type: cone
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: maroon, purple
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Drought and heat tolerant. Berry-like cones add interest and attract birds in autumn.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.0018-24" #7 Cont.: $79.0036-48"

White Spruce
Picea glauca
Category: Evergreen / Coniferous Trees
Height: 50'
Width: 12'-16'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: acidic, loam, clay tolerant
Fruit Type: cone
Zone: 2-4
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Native species to northern coniferous forests and wetland edges. Pale green foliage with open, lacy pyramidal canopy.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.0018-24" #5 Cont.: $52.0032-36" #20 Cont.: $175.005'+ SEPTEMBER

Black Hills Spruce ref
Picea glauca densata
Category: Evergreen / Coniferous Trees
Height: 50'
Width: 12'-16'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: loam to fine clay
Fruit Type: cone
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Dark green foliage. Dense pyramidal form. Tolerates hot, dry winds. Specimen/massing tree. ND native.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Black Spruce
Picea mariana
Category: Evergreen / Coniferous Trees
Height: 50'
Width: 10'-15'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: acidic, nutrient-poor
Fruit Type: cone
Zone: 2-4
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Grows with Tamarack in peat bogs. Short, dark green needles and pendulous cones. Very upright growth habit.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.0018-24" #7 Cont.: $64.0036-42" #25 Cont.: $195.00

Red Pine
Pinus resinosa
Category: Evergreen / Coniferous Trees
Height: 75'
Width: 35'-55'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: sandy, loamy
Fruit Type: cone
Zone: 2-4
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: MN State Tree, aka Norway Pine. Upland forests. Long, dark green needles. Reddish bark. Canopy becomes open and flat-topped with age.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.0024-30" #5 Cont.: $52.003-4' SEPTEMBER

Canadian Hemlock
Tsuga canadensis
Category: Evergreen / Coniferous Trees
Height: 55'-60'
Width: 30'-35'
Sun: full, part, shade
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: well-drained loam
Fruit Type: cone
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden
Comments: Rare native Minnesota large tree. Requires protection from drying winter winds. Shade tolerant. Excellent for hedges or mixed evergreen tree plantings. Wisconsin seed source.
Retail Pricing B&B: $325.005-6'

Oak Fern ref
Gymnocarpium dryopteris
Category: Ferns
Height: 6"-1'
Width: 1'
Sun: part, shade
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: well-drained; sand & clay tolerant
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Groundcover
Comments: Rhizomatous.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Royal Fern
Osmunda regalis
Category: Ferns
Height: 3'-6'
Width: 2'-3'
Sun: part, shade
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: organic, sandy/rocky/gravelly, clay, acidic
Bloom Period: June-August
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Cinnamon-colored spore fronds. Tolerates shallow water.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $16.00

Palm (Swamp Oval) Sedge
Carex muskingumensis
Category: Grasses, Rushes, & Sedges
Height: 2'-3'
Width: 1'
Sun: full, part, shade
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: clay tolerant
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: green
Zone: 4-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Groundcover
Comments: Use as a groundcover or accent.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Amorpha canescens
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 2'-3'
Width: 2'-3'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: sandy/gravelly loam
Bloom Period: June-August
Flower Color: purple
Fruit Period: August-October
Fruit Type: pod
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bee
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Gray-green foliage. Needs excellent drainage. Taproot. Nitrogen fixer. 1-seeded, hairy pods.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $15.00 4" Cont.: $15.00 #2 Cont.: $25.00

False Indigo
Amorpha fruticosa
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 8'-10'
Width: 10'-12'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: sandy, loam, clay
Bloom Period: April-July
Flower Color: purple, violet
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: brown
Fruit Type: pod
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bee
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden
Comments: River bottoms & floodplains. Flood tolerant. Attractive, fragrant flower spikes. Nitrogen fixer. 1-seeded, hairy pods.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"

Cephalanthus occidentalis
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-12'
Width: 6'-12'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Bloom Period: June-August
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: brown
Fruit Type: nutlet
Fall Color: yellow, brown
Wildlife: Bird, Bee
Zone: 4-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden
Comments: Found along stream banks, swamps, low areas. Fragrant 'pin-cushion' shaped flowers. Fuzzy, button-like fruit.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" #5 Cont.: $34.0024-36"

Bunchberry ref
Cornus canadensis
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6"-9"
Width: 6"+
Sun: part, shade
Soil Types: acidic (pH 4.5-6), fine loam/organic
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: July-October
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, maroon, purple
Zone: 2-3
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Groundcover, Edible Garden
Comments: Glossy foliage. Rhizomatous colonizer.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Ilex verticillata
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-10'
Width: 6'-8'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: acidic (pH 4.5-6), well-drained, sandy, loam, clay
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: green, white, cream
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: yellow, maroon
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Dioecious. Showy, poisonous fruit. Flood tolerant.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $13.756-12" #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" #5 Cont.: $34.0024-36" Male Winterberry #1 Cont.: $15.0012"+

Labrador Tea ref
Ledum groenlandicum
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'
Width: 3'+
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Soil Types: acidic (pH 3-5.5)
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Edible Parts: leaves
Fall Color: maroon, purple
Wildlife: Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 2-4
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Rhododendron-like evergreen/semi-evergreen shrub of wet, acid forests & bogs. Fragrant flowers. Glossy, deep green leaves with fuzzy, white-to-cinnamon-colored underside. Silver to cinnamon pubescence on new stems. Smooth, grayish bark. Fire tolerant. Rhizomatous.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Common Ninebark
Physocarpus opulifolius
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 8'-10'
Width: 8'-10'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: average, loam, clay, sand
Bloom Period: July
Flower Color: pink, white
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: maroon, purple
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Dense growth habit. Showy flower clusters. Yellow-green foliage. Excellent for hedging. Flood intolerant.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" #7 Cont.: $43.4536-48"

Fragrant Sumac
Rhus aromatica
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 5'-6'
Width: 6'-8'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: well-drained, sandy/gravelly loam
Bloom Period: May
Flower Color: yellow
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird
Zone: 4-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant
Comments: Aromatic foliage. Found in oak openings & upland wood borders. Excellent for erosion control.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $34.0036"+

Gro-Low Sumac
Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low'
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 1'-2'
Width: 6'-7'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: May
Flower Color: yellow
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red, orange
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird
Zone: 4-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant
Comments: Spreading habit. Fragrant, shiny green foliage. Excellent for massing/slopes. Clonal selection of R. aromatica.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $34.0024-36"spread

Swamp Rose
Rosa palustris
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 5'-8'
Width: 5'-8'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: pink
Fruit Color: red, orange
Fruit Type: hip
Edible Parts: fruit, flowers
Fall Color: red
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Excellent deep green foliage. Profuse flowers. 1/2" hips. Rhizomatous colonizer. Native east of MN.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"

Prairie Rose
Rosa setigera
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-10'
Width: 8'-10'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: average loam
Flower Color: pink
Fruit Color: red, orange
Fruit Type: hip
Edible Parts: fruit, flowers
Fall Color: red, orange
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bee, Bumblebee
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Ornamental Garden, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" AUGUST
Shining Willow
Salix lucida
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 12'-18'
Width: 12'-18'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Soil Types: loam, tolerates most
Edible Parts: leaves
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Edible Garden
Comments: Found along streams, wet meadows, swamps, bogs, and lake margins. Glossy, yellow-green leaves. High wildlife value. Releases cotton-like seed.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $13.756-12"

Red-Berried Elder
Sambucus pubens
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 10'-12'
Width: 10'-12'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white, cream
Fruit Period: June-August
Fruit Color: red, orange
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Hummingbird
Zone: 4-6
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Flood intolerant. Fast growth rate. Found in mixed woodlands and ravines. 5" flower panicles. Bitter berries can be made into wine.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"

Silver Buffaloberry out
Shepherdia argentea
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 8'-10'
Width: 8'-10'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: loam
Flower Color: yellow
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: drupe
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Edible Garden
Comments: Dioecious. Drought tolerant. Nitrogen fixer. Thicket-forming with ascending branch habit. Thorns. Found in western prairies and shrub-grassland communities. Silvery, green foliage. Berries can be made into jam.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18" 2025

Spiraea alba
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-6'
Width: 3'-6'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: silty loam, peaty muck
Bloom Period: July
Flower Color: white
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bee
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Erect branching habit. Rhizomatous colonizer. Wet meadows. Excellent on shorelines.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $13.7515" #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"

Hardhack Spirea (Steeplebush)
Spiraea tomentosa
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 2'-4'
Width: 3'-6'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Soil Types: acidic, fine sand, peaty muck
Flower Color: pink
Fall Color: red, yellow, bronze
Wildlife: Bee
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Upright branching habit. Marshes & water edge. Attractive flower spikes. A must for any raingarden.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $13.7512-15" #2 Cont.: $25.0015-18"

American Bladdernut
Staphylea trifolia
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 10'-15'
Width: 10'+
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Bloom Period: May
Flower Color: white
Fruit Color: yellow, brown
Fruit Type: pod
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-4
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Rhizomatous, clump-forming. Found in deciduous woodlands and ravines. 1-2" papery, inflated “bladder-shaped” pods in fall.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $43.0024-36"

White Snowberry
Symphoricarpos albus
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 3'-4'
Width: 4'-5'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Soil Types: clay, limestone, loam, sand
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: September-November
Fruit Color: white
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Moth, Bird
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden
Comments: Rhizomatous. Flood intolerant. Blue-green foliage. High wildlife value. Self-fertile.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $34.0024-36"

American Highbush Cranberry
Viburnum trilobum
Category: Deciduous Shrubs
Height: 6'-10'
Width: 6'-10'
Sun: full, part, shade
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: loam, organic peat
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: September-February
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: red, maroon
Wildlife: Beetle, Bird, Fly, Bee
Zone: 2-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Ornamental Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: AKA Viburnum opulus var. americanum. Dark green foliage. Flat-topped flower clusters. Fruit persists through winter. True type - not a hybrid cross!
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $13.7512"+

Red Maple
Acer rubrum
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 60'
Width: 40'-50'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: pink, magenta, red, yellow
Fruit Period: May-June
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: samara
Fall Color: red, orange
Zone: 3-6
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Shade Tree
Comments: Dioecious. Ascending branch pattern. Gray to red twigs in winter. Grows in swamps or moist woods. Found in northeast and southeast MN. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' #15 Cont.: $195.008-12', 1.25"C #25 Cont.: $279.001.5"Cal.

Silver Maple
Acer saccharinum
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 60'-80'
Width: 40'-60'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: March-April
Flower Color: red
Fruit Period: May-June
Fruit Type: samara
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Dioecious. Fast growth rate. Very wide, open canopy. Flood tolerant. Found in flood plains and along lakeshores.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $25.004'+ #5 Cont.: $48.006' #10 Cont.: $159.0010', 1"C.

Sugar Maple
Acer saccharum
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 60'
Width: 40'-50'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: well-drained, loamy, sandy over clay
Bloom Period: April-June
Flower Color: yellow
Fruit Period: August-October
Fruit Type: samara
Edible Parts: sap
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Shade Tree, Edible Garden
Comments: Dark green foliage. Upright oval to rounded form. Fairly shade tolerant. Flood intolerant. Fire sensitive. Protect from wind. Sap is source of maple syrup. Very high wildlife value. One of Minnesota's finest over story trees.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $18.004'+ #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' #5 Cont.: $52.004-6' #15 Cont.: $195.008-12', 1.25"C

Black Sugar Maple
Acer saccharum nigrum
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 60'-75'
Width: 40'-60'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: well-drained, calciferous
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: yellow
Fruit Period: September-October
Fruit Type: samara
Edible Parts: sap
Fall Color: red, orange, yellow
Zone: 4-8
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Shade Tree, Edible Garden
Comments: Shade tolerant. Common on floodplains; moderate flood tolerance. More drought/heat tolerant than standard species.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $18.0036"

American Sycamore
Platanus occidentalis
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 75'-100'
Width: 50'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: sandy, silty, loam, clay
Bloom Period: March-April
Flower Color: red, yellow, green, brown
Fruit Color: orange, brown
Fall Color: brown
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 5-9
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Fuzzy seed balls. Attractive, exfoliating bark. Large, maple-shaped leaves. Lowlands/floodplains. Fast growth. Pollution tolerant. Long-lived. Aggressive root system. Native to WI/IA.
Retail Pricing #5 Cont.: $52.006-8'

Wild Black Cherry
Prunus serotina
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 50'-60'
Width: 23'-30'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: high, medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: loam
Flower Color: white
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: black
Fruit Type: drupe
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: orange, yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Shade Tree, Fragrant Garden, Edible Garden
Comments: Flood intolerant. Columnar to ovoid form. Edge of woods, savanna, and alluvial bottomlands. Fragrant flowers. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' #15 Cont.: $189.008-10', 1"Cal. 2025

Wafer Ash ref
Ptelea trifoliata
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 15'-20'
Width: 10'-20'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: sand, loam, rocky/gravelly tolerant
Bloom Period: June
Flower Color: green, white
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Flood intolerant. Good wildlife value.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

White Oak
Quercus alba
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 60'-80'
Width: 60'-80'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: non-alkaline, tolerates most
Fruit Type: nut
Fall Color: red, maroon
Zone: 4-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Shade Tree
Comments: Uplands. Persistent leaves in winter. Extremely sensitive to soil compaction. Salt resistant. Fire intolerant. Taproot. Very long-lived. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' 2025 #5 Cont.: $110.006'+ #15 Cont.: $195.008', 1.25"C

Swamp White Oak
Quercus bicolor
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 50'-60'
Width: 50'-60'
Sun: full
Water Use: high, medium
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic
Soil Types: acidic required, tolerates most
Fruit Type: nut
Fall Color: orange, yellow
Zone: 4-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Shade Tree
Comments: Exfoliating bark. Persistent leaves in winter. Fibrous root system. Salt resistant. Soil compaction resistant. Flood tolerant. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' #5 Cont.: $110.006'+ #15 Cont.: $195.008-12', 1.25"C 2025

Bur Oak
Quercus macrocarpa
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 60'-80'
Width: 60'-80'
Sun: full
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Types: sandy loam, clay pan
Flower Color: green
Fruit Type: nut
Fall Color: yellow
Zone: 3-8
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Shade Tree
Comments: Catkins. Acorns with fringed caps. Globular canopy form. Found in prairies, savannas, and upland forests in the Twin Cities. Taproot. Very high wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.002-3' #5 Cont.: $110.006'+ #15 Cont.: $195.001.25"C #25 Cont.: $375.001.5"C

Red Oak
Quercus rubra
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 60'-80'
Width: 40'-50'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium
Soil Moisture: mesic
Soil Types: well-drained, sandy, loam
Fruit Type: nut
Fall Color: red
Zone: 4-7
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Buckthorn Replacement, Shade Tree
Comments: Fast growth rate. Ovoid to globular form. Very high wildlife value. Do not prune in May-June.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $28.003-4' #5 Cont.: $110.006'+ #15 Cont.: $195.008-10', 1.25"C
Prickly Ash out
Zanthoxylum americanum
Category: Deciduous Trees
Height: 10'-35'
Width: 10'-20'
Sun: full
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: April-May
Flower Color: yellow, green
Fruit Color: red
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: orange, yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Irregular-obovoid form. Sharp thorns. Forest edge, open woods, and savannas. Forms extensive colonies. Szechuan pepper cousin. High wildlife value.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.

American Bittersweet
Celastrus scandens
Category: Vines
Height: 3'-35'
Width: 6'-12'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates most
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: green, white
Fruit Period: September-October
Fruit Color: orange, yellow
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-4
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Showy fruit clusters of 3-part, berry-like capsules; poisonous. Dioecious. Climbs by twining. Salt tolerant. Excellent for floral arrangements.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $15.00

Virgin's Bower
Clematis virginiana
Category: Vines
Height: 12'-15'
Width: 6'-8'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet, wet-mesic, mesic
Soil Types: well-drained
Bloom Period: July-August
Flower Color: white, cream
Fruit Period: August-September
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Groundcover
Comments: Vigorous twisting vine of woods, thickets, and bottomlands. Showy seed plumes. Use on a trellis, vine, or as a groundcover.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $15.00
Parthenocissus inserta
Category: Vines
Height: 12'-20'
Width: 3'-6'
Sun: part, shade
Water Use: medium
Flower Color: green
Fruit Color: blue, black
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 3-8
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Groundcover
Comments: Uses tendrils to climb. Flood tolerant. Human-poisonous fruit relished by birds.
Retail Pricing #2 Cont.: $18.00

Virginia Creeper ref
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Category: Vines
Height: 50'
Sun: full, part, shade
Water Use: low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic
Soil Types: clay, sandy, rocky, limestone
Bloom Period: May-June
Flower Color: green
Fruit Period: September
Fruit Color: blue, black
Fruit Type: berry
Fall Color: red, maroon
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-6
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Groundcover
Comments: Flood tolerant. Trailing or climbing habit with suction discs & aerial tendrils/rootlets. Ravines & bluffs. Poisonous fruit.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.

Riverbank Grape
Vitis riparia
Category: Vines
Height: 35'-75'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: May-June
Fruit Period: August-September
Fruit Color: blue, purple
Fruit Type: berry
Edible Parts: fruit
Fall Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird
Zone: 2-6
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Edible Garden
Comments: Flood tolerant. Vigorous climber. Forked tendrils. River banks, wooded bottomlands, wet ravines, and rich woods. High wildlife value.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $15.00

Achillea millefolium
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'-3'
Width: 2'-3'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: tolerates heavier, well-drained clay loam
Bloom Period: June-September
Flower Color: white
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Drought resistant. Pollution tolerant. Rhizomatous.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Fragrant Hyssop
Agastache foeniculum
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-4'
Width: 1'-2'
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: June-August
Flower Color: purple, violet, lavender
Edible Parts: leaves
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Bee, Wasp, Hummingbird
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant, Edible Garden
Comments: Glossy, dark green foliage. Anise-scented flowers & foliage. Loved by bumblebees, hummingbirds, finches, and butterflies.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Nodding Onion out
Allium cernuum
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'-2'
Width: 6"-1'
Sun: full, part
Bloom Period: July-August
Flower Color: pink
Edible Parts: leaves, shoots, bulbs
Wildlife: Bee
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant, Edible Garden
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.952025

Prairie Onion
Allium stellatum
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'-1'4"
Width: 4"-8"
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Soil Types: loam
Bloom Period: July-August
Flower Color: pink
Edible Parts: leaves, shoots, bulbs
Wildlife: Bee
Zone: 3-5
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant, Edible Garden
Comments: Aromatic. Readily reseeds.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Wild Leek out
Allium tricoccum
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 8"
Width: 4"-8"
Sun: part, shade
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: white
Edible Parts: leaves, shoots, bulbs
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant, Edible Garden
Comments: Leaves may go dormant before flowers emerge.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.
Retail Pricing 4" Cont.: $12.952025

Downy Wood Mint out
Blephilia ciliata
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'
Width: 10"-1'6"
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: June-July
Flower Color: purple, lavender
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Zone: 4-8
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant
Comments: Pollinator magnet. Fragrant foliage. Native to WI.
Out of stock. Prices/sizes for reference only.

Hairy Wood Mint
Blephilia hirsuta
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 1'4"-2'6"
Width: 1'+
Sun: part, shade
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic
Bloom Period: June-September
Flower Color: purple, white
Wildlife: Bird, Bee, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Fragrant Garden, Rabbit Resistant
Comments: Rhizomatous. Pollinator magnet. Fragrant foliage. Woodlands.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Flowering Spurge
Euphorbia corollata
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 3'
Width: 1'-1'6"
Sun: full, part
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry, dry
Bloom Period: June-August
Flower Color: white
Fall Color: magenta, red, orange, yellow
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95
Maximilian's Sunflower
Helianthus maximiliani
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 7'
Width: 3'-4'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Bloom Period: August-September
Flower Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly, Moth, Bird, Bee, Bumblebee
Zone: 3-9
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Showy flowers. Rhizomatous spread.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95
Brown-Eyed Susan
Rudbeckia triloba
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-5'
Width: 1'-3'
Sun: full, part
Water Use: medium, low
Soil Moisture: wet-mesic, mesic, mesic-dry
Bloom Period: August-October
Flower Color: yellow
Wildlife: Bird, Bee
Zone: 3-9
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Short-lived perennial or biennial. Freely reseeds. Excellent cut flower.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $9.95

Late Figwort
Scrophularia marilandica
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 2'-10'
Width: 1'6"-2'
Sun: full, part, shade
Bloom Period: July-September
Flower Color: red, green, maroon
Wildlife: Butterfly, Bird, Ant, Bee, Wasp, Hummingbird, Bumblebee
Recommended: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant
Comments: High wildlife value. High nectar production.
Retail Pricing #1 Cont.: $12.95
Yellow Pimpernel ref
Taenidia integerrima
Category: Wildflowers
Height: 3'
Width: 1'-2'
Sun: full, part, shade
Soil Moisture: mesic, mesic-dry
Bloom Period: May-July
Flower Color: yellow
Wildlife: Butterfly
Recommended: Deer Resistant
Comments: Woodland edges. Black swallowtail larval host.
For reference only. Not currently stocked.